Monday, September 24, 2012

Settling in

My first few days have been pretty busy. For the first time in my life, I have more storage space than things, so I promptly went out to buy things to fill up the empty space. Some volunteers from the university took us to the local super-store where I was able to buy everyday things like soap, dishes, and groceries. There was even a food court in the basement where the volunteers helped me order takoyaki and melon soda. おいしかった!

It was a little challenging to find everything I needed with my poor Japanese skills, but I did pretty well by looking at the pictures on labels and using my Japanese-English dictionary. I am lucky to have lived near Japantown in San Francisco, so I know how to cook some things like miso soup and Japanese curry.

This is a picture of curry I made and a cute spoon I bought from the 100 yen shop. My room is very plain, so I decided that everything I buy needs to be colorful and/or cute.

Also, check out these huge grapes I bought called ぶどう! They look enormous even when I hold them with my big man-hands. They are very sweet and I think they taste a little bit like plums, but maybe that’s just me.

Food is pretty expensive, especially meat and produce. Another student who has been here for 6 months claims it’s because they grow everything here in Japan instead of importing from China like most Asian countries do. I try to look at the bright side and say that it will put me on a forced diet and make me look really cute soon. There are some filling and relatively inexpensive things at the nearby convenience stores, so I expect I will be going there for onigiri and instant ramen pretty frequently.


  1. Hi Amanda!
    Ahaha! A forced diet!!! You are cute all the time!!!
    It sounds like you are having wonderful time in Japan.
    It's interesting, you are learning Japanese in Japan, I'm learning English in the US...We will be able to have more communication when we meet next time :)

  2. Yes, it is interesting. I wish that we were closer, but I will be glad when we can communicate better :)
